Inspiration for Your Letters

You are eager to write your letter but are not sure where to start? To kindle your thoughts and help you find the right words, we have curated for you a vivid collection of inspiring quotes, letters and images. A few of these wise lines are from letters that were written for and printed in our books of letters for special occasions. We invite you to browse through these quotes and draw some inspiration for your own letters…


~ From a book of letters

Getting to this respectable age needs some special thoughts like these:

  • Wouldn’t it be great if we could put ourselves in the dryer for ten minutes and come out wrinkle-free and three sizes smaller?
  • Last year I joined a support group for procrastinators. We have not met yet!
  • I don’t have grey hair; I have “wisdom highlights”
  • I don’t trip over things, I just do random gravity checks
  • If God wanted me to touch my toes, he would have put them on my knees
  • Of course I talk to myself – sometimes I need expert advice

~ From a book of letters

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Writer’s Kit: 3 Things to Keep You Going When the “Shiny” Wears Off


We’re getting ready for Camp NaNoWriMo this April! What’s in your writer’s toolkit? Today, Shantea Gauthier, author and NaNoWriMo participant tells us her essential writer’s tools:

Continue reading “Writer’s Kit: 3 Things to Keep You Going When the “Shiny” Wears Off”

A Possible Side Effect: Having a False Sense of Well-Being

I read a handout on a recent prescription and was warned of the following side effect: having a false sense of well-being.

Could be me. Seriously. How do I know if that good feeling I’m feeling is actually false? Will my good friends tell me? Isn’t that feeling a good thing? Is it optimism? Is it courage? false in terms of what? in terms of whom? If I believe it, it isn’t true? What facts will prove my sense of well-being is false, not true? I’m trapped in dualistic thinking, a side effect of reading prescription labels. Continue reading “A Possible Side Effect: Having a False Sense of Well-Being”